Linking your TurnSignl Account

  • Updated

Driver is proud to partner with TurnSignl to provide our users with real-time legal guidance from an attorney to drivers while on the road.

Get free access to TurnSignl by following these 3 steps!

Step 1: Subscribe to Driver Premium to unlock the included TurnSignl services

Step 2: Install the TurnSignl app and create an account

Step 3: Request TurnSignl attorneys through the Driver app


Step 1: Subscribe to Driver Premium to unlock the included TurnSignl services

Free TurnSignl services are only available with a Driver Premium subscription. You can download Driver here.

To subscribe to Driver Premium:

  1. Open the Driver app after installing.
  2. Navigate to the profile tab and under Premium Subscription, select "LEARN MORE."
  3. A prompt will appear to subscribe. Complete your payment through the App Store or Google Play Store.


Step 2: Install the TurnSignl app and create an account

For TurnSignl to be included in your Driver Premium subscription, you must install the TurnSignl app through your Driver account.

To install the TurnSignl app:

  1. Open the Driver app.
  2. Select the orange driver service icon near the top left of the screen.
  3. Select "Real-Time Legal Assistance" from the service menu. A prompt will appear to install TurnSignl, select "OPEN."
  4. Select "Install," then "Open."
  5. Select "Allow Paste" to allow TurnSignl to paste from Safari to redeem your free service.

To create a TurnSignl account:

  1. Enter all required information, then select "Sign Up." Make sure to enter "Yes" on the last prompt to redeem your free service.
  2. Select "ACCEPT" to TurnSignl's Privacy Policy.
  3. Confirm your email address being used for your TurnSignl account.
  4. Complete the onboarding prompts to customize your TurnSignl experience.

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Step 3: Request TurnSignl attorneys through the Driver app

Once you have installed, redeemed, and created your TurnSignl account, you can request legal service directly from the Driver app.

  1. Select the orange driver service icon near the top left of the screen.
  2. Select "Real-Time Legal Assistance" from the service menu.
  3. The TurnSignal app will open. Request the type of call you need assistance with.

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