Driver is proud to partner with GasBuddy to provide our users with the best gas discounts! Linking Driver with your GasBuddy account can save you up to $.44 per gallon!
Start saving today by following these 4 easy steps!
Step 1: Subscribe to Driver Premium to unlock the Driver gas discount
Step 2: Install the GasBuddy app and create an account
Step 3: Sign up for Pay with GasBuddy and get your gas card
Step 4: Activate your Driver app discount with GasBuddy
Step 1: Subscribe to Driver Premium to unlock the Driver gas discount
Driver's gas savings are only available with a Driver Premium subscription. You can download Driver here.
To subscribe to Driver Premium:
- Open the Driver app after installing.
- Navigate to the profile tab and under Premium Subscription, select "LEARN MORE."
- A prompt will appear to subscribe. Complete your payment through the App Store or Google Play Store.
- Close the Driver app.
Step 2: Install the GasBuddy app and create an account
If you are new to GasBuddy, you will need to install the GasBuddy app and create an account before linking your Driver account. You can install the GasBuddy app here.
To create a GasBuddy account:
- Open the GasBuddy app after installing.
- Sign up for a new GasBuddy account by entering your email and zip code.
- Enter all required information and continue.
Step 3: Sign up for Pay with GasBuddy and get your gas card
Once you have created a GasBuddy account, you can sign up for Pay with GasBuddy.
- Click the button "GET THE FREE CARD" to start.
- Follow the prompts to complete the application. Once finished, expect your GasBuddy card to arrive in 5-10 business days.
- If prompted to join GasBuddy Premium, please decline for now.
- Close the GasBuddy app.
Step 4: Activate your Driver app discount with GasBuddy
- Open the Driver app and navigate to the Perks page. Select "I Already Have a GasBuddy Account."
- Once the GasBuddy pilot page is open, click "LINK ACCOUNT" shown below.
- Enter the same email used for your GasBuddy account and your local postal code.
- If the email is correct, you will be prompted to enter your GasBuddy password. Alternatively, you can also send a link to your email to log in if you have trouble.
- A prompt will then appear if you would like to switch programs. Select option "YES, SWITCH."
- Close the webpage.
All done!
You have finished signing up for Pay with GasBuddy and linking your Driver account! To make sure your Driver discount is working, use your GasBuddy card at the pump and check your receipt. You will see "Driver Dash Cam Savings" along with the discount amount.
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